Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The pet shopping journey begins...
the chosen one...

Proud owners of a hermit crab!

They "finally"have a pet....It's still alive, so I guess it'll be around for awhile. After many years of being able to put off being "pet owners" we have now joined the many people who are caretakers of a hermit crab. At one time I said if it poops you can't have it.....Well, they actually saved up enough money to buy one on their own...finally, something they worked together towards! Hayden did tell me the other day that Hermes was the only one in the family that loved him, so I guess he finally feels loved after all this time of neglect by the rest of us...:):) He is also "teaching" Hermes by having him on the table with him while he does his homework...Amazing what can motivate that sweet child of mine!

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