Saturday, August 25, 2012

Even though it was a quick weekend in St. George... the cousins had a great time and the kids reminded us, quite frequently, how we need to see them more often.

The Easter Egg Hunt with the Teems Cousins and the

What better way to start the Easter Holiday than with jelly bean cupcakes! I had so much fun making these and it was easy to see where missing jelly bellies were.:)
During Spirit Week at school, the kids had an 80's Day! I'm thinking how incredibly cool of the administrators to recognize the good ole days....yeah, right! For Cajsa's hair we used pieces of cut fabric and I just rolled them up and it turned out perfect! She told me she wanted it like that every Lucky for Hunter we hadn't had his haircut yet and had a nice feather to it. For some reason Hayden wanted the goatee there it is. Of course when I picked them up from school later that day, they didn't look quite so fresh.

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